Ignorance is NOT Bliss
NOTHING in the entire world is more dangerous than
genuine ignorance and conscientious stupidity. (M. L. King, Jr.)
Words have always fascinated me. Since childhood, I am spellbound by their origins and sounds. I can barely get through an email today without some word or phrase arresting me with intrigue. Words have so much power! It's no surprise then, that my heart is given to that same compulsion when it comes to the use of scripture in everyday conversations.
And what we don't know, can hurt us.
Has anyone ever offered you encouragement or bible-permission to live, love, or laugh through the troubles of life? “God said ‘Come as you are’”, “He won’t put more on you than you can bear” or “Eat, drink and be merry”. Words like these sound good but they don't make our circumstances any better. Ever wonder why? I did. So I took it to God in prayer.
ME: “God, why don’t I feel victory in [whatever bible quote was said]?”
GOD: “You haven’t taken responsibility for it.”
ME: “No God, I read the bible. This sounds like your love, but why don't I feel your love?”
GOD: “Ask yourself... 'Did God say that?' And if I did, do you know WHY I said it?”

"That same night the believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea. There Paul and Silas went to the Jewish synagogue. These Jews were better (more noble) than the Jews in Thessalonica. They were eager to hear the things Paul and Silas said. These Jews in Berea studied the Scriptures every day to find out if these things were true. So, many of them believed. Many important Greek men and women also believed." (Acts 17:10-12)
In order to experience the power of God's Word, we have to want to hear it. Sticking our head in the sand and saying we don't understand the bible just leaves US in the dark. And it's there (in the dark) that we become vulnerable to the enemy's Word games that keep us doubtful or discouraged. The Bereans were 'better', or better-positioned, because they had unlocked the true power of God through their attitude towards His Word. They were fascinated with hearing God's word. Not only that, but once they heard it they would read the scrolls for themselves to be sure that what they heard, lined up with the situation at hand. And finally they would believe, for their own lives, the truth about what they had read.
The bible does say people should “…eat, drink and be merry”, but it wasn’t Jesus who said it. These were the words of a couple of men; one who was filthy rich, and the other just on the brink of greatness. Each was about to die and didn’t want to lose their worldly treasures. (Ecclesiastes 8 & Isaiah 22). Don't be ignorant of the gospel advice you give to others… and to yourself. Only the honest, unadulterated Word of God gives life to those who hear and believe it.